I’ll start this one off by saying that it is a third party story all around but something that needs to be shared…

So within the last month there has been a change in my friend circle slightly. Now more uncomfortable laughing is involved. Let’s start at the beginning.

There’s this guy who we will call Bear. Now Bear loves tropical shirts and is probally from someplace where that is acceptable on a regular basis. Yet also loves those man tank tops that the extended arm pit cut that tends to show glimpses of man boob as well as hints to how fuzzy ones frontal profile is. Hangs at the bar shooting the shit with the boys and is on several hook up sites. Bear also has attempted a couple of craigslist dating adventures and swears that this 22 year old with a model photo is legit and is willing to sign up for her site…

Bear likes to get drunk. So one afternoon Bear calls a friend to inquire on how they were and if he would meet him for a drink as well as ask about his bed; how old is it? Thinking about buying a new one? Wanna come over and lay on my cool bed to see if you like it? WAIT! What the hell was that last part? The week goes on… Bear inquires the same friend at the bar after a couple of shots. ” So, I am kinda broke right now, lost some money in the stock market, and I need to sell some of my antiques. Do you think you can help? I don’t know exactly how I would be able to pay you but I can rub your back for as long as you want. Don’t worry I have some nice scented candles and massage oils. WAIT! What the hell was that last part?!?!

So as stories are suspose to go they have conclusions, not this one. Bear is still out there, sitting at some bar, hoping to do a shot and have some man talk. Think about that next time your sitting by some dude in a sweet tank top or tropical shirt.