Alright, a guy who I don’t know, don’t know if he was nice or mean, tall or short, Democrat or Republican, toilet paper over or under person, is dead. So that’s kind of a shame I suppose. Phillip Contos died in a motorcycle accident on July 2 in upstate New York. 55 year old Mr. Contos sustained a fatal head injury after he flipped over the handlebars of his 1983 Harley Davidson. Mr. Contos was not wearing a helmet.  Mr. Contos was participating in a protest against being forced to wear helmets by the state of New York. How’s that protest working out for you Phil? Oopsie – you’re dead. No more protests for you.

Troopers at the scene described the type of injury as likely survivable with appropriate head protection. So, Mr. Contos, you have personified irony. I am all for freedom and personal liberties but dude, you just made the all-time, shut-the-front-door argument for motorcycle helmets. I mean if there’s one piece of equipment, in any one pursuit, that even undiscovered tribes in the Amazon know should be worn, it’s motorcycle helmets for fuck sake.

Yes, it does encroach on your freedoms and personal liberties to insist a helmet is worn. However, when you come flying off those handlebars, turning your noggin into a forever 98.6 degree cassaba melon and LIVE, then your vegetable, paralyzed, now diaper wearing, drooling ass becomes the responsibility of the state – now who’s encroaching on who?

What’s that you say – too nasty to speak of the deceased that way? Suck it dillbags.