Pretty much everybody has heard of the Westboro Baptist Church. These friendly, neighborly church folk, when not knitting or offering you ribbon candy and recipes, enjoy protesting military funerals. For the Westboro flock believes that when a U.S. soldier dies in battle it is the almighty’s little accounting correction for homosexuality.
Vastly the opposite of the deceased hero, the pussy-ass war cry of Westboro is “God Hates Fags.” Whatever. Good job on taking the bottle of White Out to the “love thy neighbor” portion of them thar holy books.
The founder of the Westboro Baptist Church is a feller named Fred Phelps. Between his warshin’ up days at the crick and roadkill casserole potlucks, he organizes (with aplomb, sadly) some of the most nasty, vicious <a href=””>demonstrations</a> around.
The Bastard Squirrel editorial policy is to dislike everyone, of course… but no one group more than any other. But since Freddie Phelps is being a little unfair and hating a little too much, perhaps he needs a little love note of sorts. If you have time on your hands and have consulted your local/state/federal laws and it is permissible to fill up a little vial of man-cannon chowder and send it off to Fredzo (y’know he secretly wants to rub the lotion or he’ll get the hose again) as a message that God Hates Assholes, his address is: 3701 SW 12th Street, Topeka, KS 66604.
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